One of the biggest web shops in the Netherlands (and probably the Benelux) is The ING points shop. Every month, this website has 1 to 1.5 million visitors looking for a good deal where they can redeem their points in full (points only) or in part for quality products (see here). Anyone who banks with ING has access and the more banking you do with ING the more points you collect.

The good news is that part of our NoLongerLost portfolio will be added to the ING interest points webshop! In it, we will offer four packages that are a nice cross-section of our full range and will be available for purchase at a great discount.

With NoLongerLost, you are 4 to 6 times more likely that a valuable item you lose and is tagged with our QR code will be returned to you. The honest finder will scan the QR code and get in touch with you (anonymously), after which you can arrange how to get your item back.
